We enhance and enlighten the lives of youngsters who are our lifelines!
We guide youngsters to combine dreams with actions so they can leave a positive footprint to this world.
New Rootz
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”
Wayne Dyer
And we have already changed our way of looking at our Youth!
For over a decade, New Rootz, the youth foundation, has been meticulously working towards guiding and uplifting the lives of young refugees and youngsters with a migration background up to the age of 27. It grooms and nurtures them through non-formal education and enriches them with skills and talents that turn and shape their lives. Our experienced professionals train every youngster on a vast majority of fields ranging from personal strengths, education, community services, media, music, sustainability & environment, art, painting, films, dance etc., and guide them all along. We have cultivated and streamlined an exclusive educational system through which we impart knowledge, skill and care.
With our hands and hearts wide-open, we make a journey together!
In today’s world, great value is emphasized on social skills, global citizenship, dealing with diversity issues and different perspectives, communicating in multiple languages, digital skills and collaboration. Especially, how and what you learn counts a lot towards keeping up with a fast-changing world. Connecting and guiding youngsters to build on these skills can contribute to social inclusion, cohesion, increasing equal opportunities and imbues them with values about humanity, democracy, sustainability and human rights.
Youth Community Services (MDT)
MDT is an initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, VWS, SZW and the NJR. Diversity Skills is the MDT for younger people, youngsters with a migration background and Dutch young people between the ages 14 to 27. These youngsters are mostly enrolled in an International Transition Class or in ROC. Through this initiative, they are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities of their choice and learn new skills while they are studying in a school.
Dutch youngsters who have been in the Netherlands for a longer period of time participate as Peer Coaches.
Peer Coaches
“The best in you is yet to shine”
New Rootz
Our peer coaches are youngsters who once were new-comers themselves, and are presently living in the Netherlands. They help and support the new-comers through conversation in their native language under the guidance of a Youth Coach. Essentially, they are the role models for the participants. At the grass-root level, they connect with the target group and provide New Rootz with precious information which are analyzed and correlated with the designing of appropriate training and education. In essence, our Peer Coaches make sure that the new-comers feel at home and express themselves freely!
“Every moment is made from you, by you, for you”
New Rootz
New Rootz is part of Salto Youth Network. SALTO-YOUTH stands for Support, Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities for Youth. It works within the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programs. We have special expertise in projects with young refugees and youngsters with a migrant background. A knowledge base has been created and shared among these organizations. In addition, exchange programs and special event invitations are few privileged options that the participants are entitled to. The network is wider and every moment is a new choice!

Community Activities
“You are your purpose of Existence”
New Rootz
Our peer coaches and youth coaches organize various community activities for young people in Nijmegen. Young people can participate for free in Hip Hop classes (see agenda), Walk & Talks with peer coaches, Peer Coaching Sessions, Talent Nights, Cooking Together, Social Farming, Sporting, Designing, Dance and Dine and whatever you come up with yourself!
We make it possible.

Film and Media
“Our Script always Begins”
New Rootz
With us, your stories come to life; Your visions get a shape. We begin with your idea, your script, your filming, your acting and your editing. It is a complete crash course on filmmaking within the shortest possible time. It is a hands-on course wherein you learn by doing. The gears and trainings are truly professional. The moment you enter into the course, you already were a filmmaker. The transformation is swift and simple.

Integration with Society (Young and Old)
“You better none other than you”
New Rootz
We explore life and lives with you. An exchange of wisdom with the elderly people, caring for them, sowing seeds of hope and love for life would mold your thoughts. Appreciating the nature that only gives and takes nothing would enlighten your soul. The sustainability of living could take you into an unforgettable journey. We quite often engage you with these memorable journeys and walk with you holding your hands and feeling what you feel. We feel your feel!

Preserving and crossing culture
“Your being here at this moment is, itself, a success story”
New Rootz
Apart from educational activities, we organize many cultural activities every month. We encourage participants to express themselves through music, dance and theatre activities. We train them. We sing, dance, act and emote with them. We culminate the activities with a Talent Night and we reward and award everyone of them. Talent night is a fusion of cultural energy coming together.

Career Orientation
“Stars shine only for you”
New Rootz
A mere 8 hours of participation brings you a world of wonders and surprises. These courses complement your education and internships are also arranged in needy situations. By the time you complete these courses and earned the prestigious certificates, you are already one step ahead of everyone, in your career opportunities.
“Be curious; You already won” – New Rootz.